Woodford Lodge



Hello, and on behalf of the Worshipful Master, Past Masters, Wardens & Brethren of The Woodford Lodge #3903, welcome to the website for our Masonic Lodge. We would like to extend our fraternal greetings, and many thanks for visiting our page today.

Some, but not all lodges, are formed having a specific history or background bringing the original members together, being based around a social activity or club, (football / rugby / camping / fishing etc.), or work related on which they are founded.

Here at Woodford, our history tells us that the idea for our lodge was conceived in a specific location and time, and for a specific group of men, please feel free to read all about this in our History section with some interesting and very specific details.

Today, we are a group of men from varying backgrounds and locations, meeting up at our regular meetings four times a year to enjoy each other’s company, partake in Masonic ceremony and to raise some funds for charitable causes.

From a Masonic perspective, our lodge has the honour of being presented with a Hall Stone Jewel, meaning we contributed to the building of United Grand Lodge in Great Queen Street, in memory of the fallen during the Great War. As such, our lodge name is commemorated within the entrance hall at United Grand Lodge, with more to be seen on our Lodge history section.

If you came by here accidently, please feel free to browse our site and look into our lodge history and our lodge’s charitable side. You may even be inspired to reach out to us this can be done via our Contacts page.

Charity is huge part of the Masonic tradition, and in the past might have flown under the radar, but now, the work we do is much more open and visible to the non-Masonic world. Our Lodge is part of the group of lodges known as London Freemasons, and therefore most of our charitable donations go towards London-based organisations (although not always the case as we are all under the umbrella of the United Grand Lodge of England and some campaigns fall under the remit of the UK-wide United Grand Lodge). We are not limited to donations to Metropolitan and UGLE charities, and regularly donate to registered charities the members hold close to their hearts.

If you are looking for a specific London masonic site, please check out the ones found here https://www.freemasons.london/

If you are already a Freemason and interested in becoming a joining member of this ancient and friendly Lodge, or you would just like to attend one of our meetings, please make contact via this page and we’d welcome you with open arms.

If you are not a Freemason but may be interested in joining our Brotherhood and don’t know too much about us, please do have a read through these pages … What is FreemasonryWhy Join Freemasonry? and How to Become a Freemason?

Why join

Because we are one of the world’s oldest secular fraternal societies in the world with over 300 years of history and tradition, and a long standing commitment to Charity.

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How to join

Either just ask, ourselves at Woodford Lodge via our contacts page or the team at UGLE it is as simple as that. Moreover, we will guide you through the process, so click on the link below to find out more.

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Lodge Meeting Dates

Woodford Lodge meet four times a year at Mark Masons Hall, 86 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL, with a usual start time being 4pm.
Regular dates are (subject to Bank Holidays and emergencies) …

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Read about the latest updates and changes, related to our brotherhood

A Very Special Visitor and Raising Ceremony at Earl Spencer Lodge No 1420

W Bro Gary Lonsdale, The Grand Tyler of The Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of New Zealand, was the guest of honour at Earl Spencer Lodge No 1420.

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LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT: Ritual for neurodiverse Freemasons

Our membership draws on all walks of life, and with this comes a diversity of character and culture. There is also a diversity in the way we think and learn. This is most evident in the neurodiversity of our members.

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FOREWORD: RW Bro. Warren Duke, Metropolitan Grand Master

Freemasonry is a force that evolves with the times, and so too must the ways we connect and share our stories. With this in mind, I am writing to share an important development: Arena, our much-loved magazine, will no longer be printed.

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A Very Special Visitor and Raising Ceremony at Earl Spencer Lodge No 1420

LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT: Ritual for neurodiverse Freemasons

FOREWORD: RW Bro. Warren Duke, Metropolitan Grand Master


Below you can find information, related to our latest events and activities

Lord Mayor’s Show, Parade and Luncheon

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Belmont Ensemble Concert

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Organ Concert

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